Easy throwaway email addresses
Easily create unique email addresses to give to companies, so you can tell who leaked your address to spammers and shut them down.
Easily create unique email addresses to give to companies, so you can tell who leaked your address to spammers and shut them down.
You probably don’t need this plugin unless you’re using Contact Form 7, but if you do need it, this is the plugin you need.
If you’ve installed a spam control plugin such as Antispam Bee, you shouldn’t be getting a lot of new spam comments on your posts. But what about the thousands of comments you received before activating spam blocking? Some tiny fraction of them may be legit comments from actual people, that you’d like to keep.
Read More »Sifting Through a Ton of Spam CommentsThis plugin frustrates spammers by removing the field in which they post their spammy links.
A lot of people like Akismet to block comment spam, but I find (and others have noted) some drawbacks: It’s slow. It sends information about… Read More »Plugin review: Antispam Bee