Tyler Tork writes fiction, nonfiction about website development, and software. This site is about WordPress plugins and themes, and books and tips for website creators.
For Tyler’s fiction work, go to tylertork.com.
Besides my series of One-Hour Website books, the first of which is live! now! here! I write articles about WordPress website development, which are also here. My goals are always: cheap and easy. As I review plugins and themes, that’s my concern — how much can you get for free, and can you use it without having to write code?
The pages listed below are kept up to date as things change; the rest of my advice is in the form of posts, so explore the blog.
- Recommended WordPress hosting services
- There’s a blog category of Essential Plugins that I routinely install on every site, and if you’re looking for the best plugin for any specific purpose, look at my reviews in the appropriate category, or search the site. Here, I generally only review plugins I like. If I don’t like a plugin, I’ll often post my review on the WordPress.org site.
- Recommendations for automatic blog subscription setup
- Best ways to sell things online
Subscribe for email alerts (on the right), or explore the blog for the category of information you’re looking for (also on the right). And if you’re looking to create an author website, jump to One-Hour Author Website to learn about the book.